Friday, February 20, 2015


Hi All,

Clearly, I haven't made a blog post in the utmost longest period of time. And, for that, I'm very sorry. 

I haven't been in the mood for making blog posts for the longest time (clearly) and instead, have been making Youtube videos instead. Don't know why I'd rather show my face on the internet than write blog posts where I can choose to show my face or not to at all.

However, here I am again. Back.

A few weeks ago, my good friend Taryn sent me a Teen Vogue link to an article where it wrote about Youtube 'celebrities' (if you will) that were known for reviewing books. Now, if you have ever met me or encountered me in any day and age (after grade 8, that is), you'll know that I almost always have a book glued to my face, and if not, I'm juggling between reading 3 books. Most of the time, they'll be books about teen romance (I'm 20, and I still haven't grown out of that stage). 

If you ask my friends, the ones who have known me for maybe over a year, they'll tell you that I'm possibly the biggest hopeless romantic that they've ever met. Not only that, but it doesn't show on my exterior; I'm half an introvert and half an extrovert if you ask me. It really depends on the mood I'm in and the social situation that I've gotten myself into. But on the outside, I'm very opinionated, I'd say. If not opinionated, I'm quite obnoxious and don't really have a filter when it comes to my talking. This usually leads me to negative situations that I clearly get myself into. Rather than speaking of my lack of filter, I'm also quite...if you will, a bitch. There, I said it. I have quite the short temper, this is usually due to the fact that I'm too observant for my own good and get frustrated and mad at almost everything that happens to me on a daily basis when I'm out in public.

Anyways, the real reason for this post is not the tangent that I ended up in. But to update whoever reads this blog that, the Teen Vogue article has sparked my interest in blogging and probably making videos reviewing books that I'm currently reading or have recently finished. Thanks to Taryn, I found a part of YouTube that I'm quite interested in getting involved in. Rather than just talking about make up all the time, this opens up a new path for me to talk about my love for books and to express my hopeless romantic self to the world.

So, if you will, my first video and review will be coming up next Friday. 

Hope you stick around to read my post and watch my video about it.

- h.

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