Monday, December 9, 2013

Exam Week

It's finally the week that everyone in universities have been dreading all semester long, exam week. Just when I was getting super excited on going home, exams had to wiggle their way into my life and ruin it before I could enjoy the freedom of not having to worry about my grades.

This year, I'm taking four courses and have an exam in each of them. Good thing my exams are separated nicely but sadly, it doesn't allow me to go home any earlier then I'd prefer. (Going home on the 18th).

My first one was last Wednesday for a course called Cities: Geography, Planning and Social Life. It was pretty much an urban geography course twisted with a lot of politics and history. I totally did not like it at all but good thing it got out of the way because my second one is no better. It's called Geographic Information Systems, and as much as I love mapping and stuff like that, this course is way more technical and definitely not my cup of tea. The exam for this GIS course is today at 2 pm and I'm sitting here typing this out because I'm in no mood to review and study prior to the exam, also, I'm hungry.

My last two exams fall on the same day, one in the morning of the 17th and one at night. The first one is The Dynamic Earth, it's a geology course and basically touches base on everything from glaciation to earthquakes/plate tectonics to groundwater. I really enjoyed it even though I had to memorize 50 rocks and minerals for my midterm. Thankfully, the first half of this course isn't on my final and I had a lab exam a week ago, so my memory on a lot of this course is still fresh and will only need some refreshing and some more additional information. My last exam is for my course Race and Racism, I really enjoyed this course and learned a lot about what goes on a daily basis and what can be considered racist and offensive to someone. It definitely opened my eyes to the occurrences in the world and what goes on around me. Our prof for that course already gave us exam questions to study and I feel like the information would go through my head way easier than these first two exams (they're so dense and UGH) but it'll definitely be a lot harder to memorize the discourses and such. Oh well. 

Hardwork always pays off, I'm rewarding myself by going to the gym after this exam and a shopping spree when I get home on the 18th.

Good luck to all you exam writers and happy holidays!

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