Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Issue: Eating Disorders

This is a totally different topic from what I usually talk about on my blog, which mostly consists of my day, something I did over the weekend or a product review, but an article came up on my Facebook page today and I feel that it should be something that is addressed because it is an important topic.

I came across an article called '5 Reasons to Date a Girl with an Eating Disorder,' this article listed 5 reasons why dating a girl who is suffering from an eating disorder is good and why it should be done.

The first reason says that because she is aware of her situation, it'll make her overall self look better. The idea that she is aware of her 'surroundings' and that mentally as well as, physically if she spends more time worrying about her looks and her body, that she'll look better (skinnier, perhaps.) It follows by saying that their 'distorted body image' on the inside, will motivate them with the same image on the outside.

The second reason is talking about food. The author speaks about the fact that the girl will be eating 'less,' it's good for you because she costs less. She'll most likely order something small and if she doesn't finish, then you're welcome to finish it for her. This, in the end, means you'll be saving money because she'll be barely eating anything.

The third reason is that the girl will be insecure, leading her to want to impress and please you to no end, thinking that she is good enough and to maintain her self-esteem at a good level. Rather than the average 'obnoxious' girl.

The fourth reason is that most girls with eating disorders are rich, so it's not a big deal for her to pick up a tab or pay for your meal.

And, the final reason is she'll be better in bed due to her insecurities and issues within family or herself.

My opinion about this whole thing is that, this article is disgusting. I can't believe someone would even dare to write about a topic that is affecting so many people in the world. An eating disorder is a very serious issue and should definitely be dealt with. This article just makes people with eating disorders think that it's okay to continue with it. Personally, I'm skinny, heck, I might even pass as looking anorexic. But, I can full on say that I'm healthy, I'm naturally skinny with a high metabolism. This does not hold me back from eating as much as I want, because I want to "look skinny and better." I will eat until I'm satisfied and make sure that my self-esteem is at a good level. No girl should ever feel insecure about themselves or that they need to do something to impress someone else. The only person that a girl should ever impress is themselves. The fact that the author wrote something of such importance, makes me wonder if he/she really thinks that poorly of girls.

Eating disorders is a serious disease that many suffer from. I can't even imagine how difficult it is to suffer from an eating disorder. The only way a girl with an eating disorder will ever be confident with themselves is if they lean towards the people who care and will always be there with them no matter what, through the thick and thin.

To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) is a non-profit organization that strives towards conquering issues like this, anorexia, depression, addiction and suicide. Its vision is that you're not alone, there are people that are willing to help. The road that one is taking, they're never on it alone. 

I'm a big supporter of TWLOHA, I believe that there is someone out there that will help someone suffering, they'll help get them back on their feet and see a reason to continue on living. 

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