Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I'm still not too sure where I want to go with this blog, as much as I enjoy reviewing products that I've used, I feel like it could be a space for me to post anything going on in my day, whatever I find interesting and any ideas I'd like to work on in the future.

So I guess, from here on out, I'll work on my reviews, whatever interests me and life.

Starting from step one, here's a little bit about myself.
My name's Hillary, I'm 19 and I'm born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. I currently reside in a smaller city, a 2.5 hour drive away from Toronto and attend Queen's University. Theres not much else about me except that I'm a big mix and match type of person, my version of 'thrifting' comprises of searching for old vinyls, cds and movies. I'm a big make up junkie, who buys make up and rarely ever wears it. I'm an avid reader and a hopeless romantic. I enjoy finding new playlists and bands to check out as well as killing most of my day on Buzzfeed. I'm not a girl who likes diamonds, so no, diamonds are not a girl's best friend (at least, not mine!) I'm also not big on shiny and glittery things, most of the clothing I wear, is very basic. You'll start to realize that I dress like I'm going to the beach, ALL THE TIME. I'm not very fashionable, or fashion-forward but I know what I like. I'm a Starbucks addict, so don't get me started on whether I've got a gold card or not. (Because, I do.) I'm a Toronto Blue Jays fan, Chipotle and sushi lover, and avid concert goer.

I have a weird taste in movies, my favourite era would be the 80's. No, my favourite movie is not The Breakfast Club, although it is an all-time favourite of mine. I'm an avid traveller and did my first year of university abroad, allowing me to travel from places like Iceland to Greece to Spain and France. I'm a big foodie and love eating, not much to care about weight gain as I've got high metabolism and no matter how much you tell me that I look anorexic, that'll never change my appearance or metabolism towards food. 

I started this blog because I'm awkward in front of camera and have a very monotone voice. I'm used to being behind the camera and don't have much emotion. I guess it's safe to say that this blog is more so, a journal of mine than anything else it could be. I'm way better at typing than writing and I can express myself here.

This probably doesn't explain much about myself (or probably more than it should) but I want to live on a beach, or in California; it's my favourite place. I'm not big on the Spring and Fall season, (even though, I'm born in the Spring) but I'm in love with getting tanned and Summer as well as the Winter seasons in which skiing and snowboarding commence. 

So there we have it, welcome to my blog and I hope you stay a while!

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