Monday, November 11, 2013

November 8 - 10

So, this past weekend, my friend Taryn and I headed down to Toronto to check out the 1st ever Buffer Festival! It's basically a YouTube convention/event that goes on and many YouTubers come out and meet their fans and hold events and talks. It was totally exciting and tickets were categorized by which event you wanted to go to ($15 each) or you could buy a pack of 8 tickets and choose whichever event you wanted to go to! If you had a ticket for that person's event, you were eligible to skip their meet-up line. Taryn and I were only really interested in meeting DailyGrace (Grace Helbig) and seeing her event that was hosted by Mamrie Hart (YouDeserveADrink) so that was the only ticket we purchased.

The weekend started off with a 10 pm bus ride down to Toronto, in which it was a Toronto express bus so it only stopped at the downtown bus terminal, meaning my sister and mom had to drive down to pick us up because the subway doesn't work at that time. While standing at the corner, many taxis drove by expecting business (Toronto taxi's are ridiculously expensive, so take the subway) and some tourists asked for directions, some girl asked me how to get to the subway so I told her, she in turn said her thanks to Taryn (who's not from Toronto). This also occurred the day after, which is weird because I was the only person talking. Anyways, that was pretty much Friday.

Saturday, came around and it was no sleeping in for the two of us, actually make that four since my sister and mom were joining us for the fun event of the day; Les Miserables! Prior to the musical, we hadn't eaten so we headed to one of my favourite restaurants for brunch, Oliver & Bonacini's Canteen! It's a totally chill but great food restaurant, the waiters and waitresses are the sweetest. I got the Calamari Tacos and Taryn got the Eggs Benedict because she's in love with them and has been craving them for a while, we both got Hot Chocolates.

After brunch was time for the musical! Les Mis was made into a movie last December and I had watched it in theatres with my boyfriend on New Year's Eve (no idea why that day) Anyways, he had no clue it was a musical (success on my part) so HAH. Anyways, when I was studying abroad, it was playing, so a few friends and I went to see the musical and it was good, but I preferred the movie instead. But, when I heard that it was coming to Toronto, I wanted to see it, along with my mother (who loves musicals) and my sister, who had not read the book nor seen the movie adaptation. So there we were, all fancy and what not, it was good! In my opinion, not as good as the movie but it was good. Would've been a whole lot better if Eddie Redmayne was Marius in the musical as well, but of course I'm sure he's got movies to film.

After the musical, Taryn and I split apart from my mother and sister as they had plans, so we met up with one of Taryn's friends from drama school. Her name's Cayla and she's so sweet! It was really nice for them to catch up and I heard a lot of interesting stories about what happened to them when they were in drama school together from crazy teachers to generally catching up on where some of their other friends are and how they're doing. We did this all over dinner, which was at Spring Sushi! It's a bit pricy for dinner ($26 on weekends!) but it was all you can eat, it's also really fun because you order your food on iPads! (Yay, technology!) After we stuffed our faces with that, we walked through Eaton Centre on the search for Taryn's iPhone 5S but it was still out of stock (boo you!) so we just hung around before leaving to the Hyatt Regency Hotel for the Buffer Festival after party. When getting there, there was barely anyone present and of course, because all these people are in some way part of YouTube, they're not social. It was also an all ages event, so HELLO PARENTS. Taryn and I just sat against a wall and watched people dance. There was this one group of girls with a few boys and this one girl kept trying to dance slutty and grind up on this guy who was just not having it while her friend directly next to her was just dancing crazily and having a good time. Eventually this girl started making her way into the centre of the group and grinding on the guy (who was still not having it) Watching this was probably the most amusing thing to happen at that party, the group seemed to enjoy themselves way more after she left. So we decided to ditch this party that was a joke and ended up heading to the movies! Caught the last showing of Thor: The Dark World, IT WAS SO GOOD. EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH IT, definitely highly recommended. It was very comedic and a lot of action which was really good. Loki has definitely become my favourite from this movie.

Sunday marks the day that the DailyGrace event was happening! Up early and ready to go, Taryn and I had to carry our bags with us for the whole day since we were not going to return to my house before leaving for the bus terminal. We lined up in the DailyGrace meet-up line which was ridiculous, it was even the "priority" line. Still took about 1.5-2 hours to get in, and she was even over her meet and greet time! Finally got to the front and Taryn and I decided to take the picture together because they wanted to get the line moving and for everyone to have a chance to meet her! She was so nice and friendly! Very tall as well, her statement necklace was a gold chain with pineapples hanging off of it, definitely something Grace could pull off! After this, we met up with my boyfriend because he was home for the weekend and headed to O&B's Canteen for lunch! On the way there, we passed by Michael Aranda! I screamed out his name and he looked at me but didn't say hi or anything, which is fine because I don't know his videos very well. This time, Taryn and I both opted for the Mac and Cheese! It was definitely the best mac and cheese ever! It had so much cheese and was perfect and so filling.

This pretty much led to the end of our day with lining up to meet Louis Cole and Steve Booker (FunForLouis & SteveBooker) Louis is really really tall, but him and Steve are both so nice! It was totally awesome to meet them! Right after that meet-up, was Grace's event hosted by Mamrie Hart! Hannah was present as well and while lining up outside she was walking down the line up saying hi to everywhere and I screamed "HANNAH!" and she looked at me and said "HIII!" it was very awesome. Anyways, the event itself was hilarious, Mamrie did a great job hosting it and Grace, well, Grace was Grace. The videos they showed had Taryn and I in tears and I am so happy we were able to attend something like that. Thus, lead to us going to Tim Horton's for a cheap dinner and heading over early to the bus terminal to wait for our bus back.

The bus ride back, was fairly short, because we watched The Internship (we love Dylan O'Brien) and made a few friends. We sat at the back of the bus (5 seats) and ended up having to sit with 3 other people, two of which were coming from Chicago and one who was at Buffer Fest as well! The vents on the bus were blowing cold air and we were all freezing so we figured to tape the garbage/barf bags to the vents, and one of the guys happened to have tape, so the YouTuber filmed this occurrence, so that was pretty fun. Finally arrived and there were no more taxis so I called up our friend who came and picked us up. It was such a good weekend, too bad I won't be home again until mid-December.

Happy Monday!

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