Sunday, November 17, 2013


So, here at Queen's we've got jackets (aka GPA) in which we show off our "bars" which are pretty much patches on drinking games we've succeeded in and what not. This weekend, a few friends of mine and I decided to go for the Wizard bar. 

Wizard: Within a 12 hour time frame, you must drink your height in beers. After every beer you finish, you must tape it to the bottom of the next beer you are about to drink, before you start drinking it. You are not allowed to puke until you have completed your staff.

So that's, what needs to accomplish. As, I'm allergic to alcohol (don't ask what kind, I've tried many), my friends got me to do this task with cans of Nestea. I was a height of 14 cans of Nestea and as a consequence for me not being able to get drunk, I was only allowed one washroom break; I also have the bladder of a pea, so it was going to be pretty difficult. (This was later altered to two washroom break passes)

Starting at 8 pm, the first few drinks were alright, by the time I got to my fourth, I started feeling my bladder filling up, so I hurried and rushed to the 7th drink, figuring that I'd use my washroom pass for the halfway point. Not the smartest idea of mine, because I chugged my 6th and 7th drink, so it wasn't even in my bladder by the time I booked it to the washroom. I was on about my 9th when my bladder felt REALLY FULL, but my friend had forgotten a few tall boys at her house so we went on an adventure there, which was a bad idea because moving made me have to use the washroom more than ever! I had to walk really slow and eventually started feeling cramps because I had to pee so bad. Finally, got back to the house we were drinking at and drank halfway through my 10th before I couldn't hold it in anymore! So I went for it and was in the washroom for quite a while, keep in mind that puking on my part, was also considered a forfeit (I already felt sick to my stomach). While in the washroom, I could hear one of the guys outside observe and point out how long I was peeing in the washroom and if anyone else noticed that. (5-6 CANS OF NESTEA LIQUID IN YOUR BLADDER IS THE WORST THING EVER, but it is quite the pee of heaven)

Finally down to the last four, I was fine because my bladder was emptied out but I still felt really sick in my stomach, when I finally finished, I went to the washroom and ended up puking up my dinner and lunch (gross, I know) but it was really satisfying and felt really good after I did so.

My friend came late so she started a few hours after my friends and I did, so she still had about 6 more cans left to go by the time I finished. Everyone else had gone to bed, so I stayed up with her so she could finish, but I fell asleep for an hour and by the time I woke up, she was on her last can! Yay! So we taped that on and finished up. We had a lot of duct tape left over, so we decided to leave a message on the floor and then trekked back to my house at 5:30 am. It was a glorious by very liquid filled night!

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