Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Review: Clear Strong Lengths Shampoo and Conditioner

For a while now, I've been alternating conditioners every time I wash my hair, between Organix hair products, Dove and my Bumble and Bumble Deeep Hair Masque, finally I came across the brand Clear and it's line of scalp and hair therapy products. I had heard of them when they first came out but didn't want to spend money on something if it wasn't any good. From my boyfriend to my best friend, I heard that it did a really good job of cleaning hair and that their hair felt a lot better using this brand's hair products in comparison to what they were using before, so when it went on sale for $3.99 each at Shoppers Drug Mart, I knew I couldn't pass this offer up and picked up the strong lengths shampoo and conditioner.

It usually retails for about $6 - 8, but pretty frequently goes on sale! I'm not sure where else it is sold, but I would guess Target, Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreens, the typical drugstores. First off, this product smells amazing! It's doesn't have a chemical smell but a subtle nice refreshing smell. The shampoo comes out creamy and you're able to lather it up really well. I used the conditioner like I do with my other ones when washing hair, I lathered it in, put my hair up in a bun so it could hydrate and absorb into my hair giving it the nutrients it needs, while showering the rest of my body, and then washing the conditioner out. It washes out very easily and my hair feels much cleaner and lighter, without the product remnants from what I used in the past week. 

My hair air dries as usual, but the bleached and dyed part of my hair feels much softer as if I've placed oil into my hair, it's very soft and silky. I'm really happy with this shampoo and conditioner and hope to try more products by Clear.

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